Feb 19 Grocery Haul

February Meal Planning

Feb 19 Grocery Haul

I really did things in reverse this time around.  I’m normally a lot better about planning out recipes then making my grocery list before we go for groceries, but this time around we made a list of things we needed completely unrelated to actual meals, just based on things we tend to eat, and went ahead and got the groceries!  Eek.

But never fear!  When I got home and after we put away the groceries (lol) I went back rummaging through the fridge, cupboards and deep freeze to remember what we bought and created a meal plan for the whole month of February!!!  So that’s pretty exciting and productive.  Like, I’m talking about breakfast, dinner and supper, all planned for 25 days 🙂

You can’t really beat that.  It will also help address something I’ve been trying to work on lately, which is buying a big lot of groceries at the start of the month, then still winding up going to the store every week to pick up various bits and bobs and racking up more grocery bills!

I’ve been trying to stay on track better with that and I really think this will help.  I’ve even planned out our meals based on not eating too much of the same or similar things in a row, spread out the pasta meals so there’s not too much of that “exotic” food on any one day, and made sure I used up the fresh and soon to go bad foods early and put certain meals close enough together I can batch cook things like hamburger or chicken.

Another thing I’ve paid attention to in my meal planning is using up some things that have been sitting in the cupboard, such as dried beans and lentils, especially to make some meat dishes go further, like in Shepherd’s pie and tacos.

And now for the list:

Monthly Meal Plan

Hahaha, and if there are things that seem random on the list, it’s because it’s random stuff I had on hand that needed getting rid of.

I hope this helps to inspire you with ideas of what to make, I know I’m usually ready to pull my hair out with my family, as we have this conversation sometimes 3 meals a day


Me: hey, what do you want to eat?

Them: ohh, I’ll eat anything

Me: *screams internally*


The good news is they actually will eat anything, the bad news is that doesn’t help me actually think of something to cook!!!

But now, thanks to my list I have it all figured out.  Here’s hoping I actually stick to it.



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